Formed in 2018 to provide operations and consulting services, Mud Creek Operating, LLC has transformed into organizing oil exploration deal packages in all phases from idea to final operations. We cater to helping Independent Geologists and Wildcatters in the East Texas and North Louisiana target shallow, oil, conventional/vertical targets at a low cost.
Mud Creek Operating is:

Dwayne Thompson
Managing Member at Mud Creek Operating, Education – Texas A&M University. Industry experience with Navidad Resources, Sequitur Energy Resources and Royal Holly Energy. 25 years Oil & Gas industry experience and member of East Texas COPAS, East Texas ADAM, and East Texas Geological Society.

Larry Tschirhart
Managing Member at Mud Creek Operating, Licensed Professional Engineer -TX, OK. Education – Texas A&M University at Kingsville. Industry experience with Gulf, Cockrell, Sonat Exploration Company, Classic Oil & Gas Companies, Barrow-Shaver Resources, East Texas Oil & Gas, Royal Holly Energy and Maximus Oilfield Services. 45 years of Oil & Gas industry experience and member Society of Petroleum Engineers.